Sex Health Alert: 4 Odd Symptoms You Might Experience!

Sex represents some of the most beneficial, healthy, and pleasurable activities of today. As such, you rarely hear about any side-effects that might happen during or after sex. Although only a few, there are certain symptoms that can happen right after your sexual experience.

Before you can learn how to handle the unwanted side-effects that follow after sex, you first have to know what you’re dealing with. That said, here the 4 unpleasant symptoms that you might experience after intercourse.

Sex Health Alert: An Unexpected Headache!

Pleasurable sex can oftentimes help you deal with a headache, but on other occasions, sex can also trigger it. As science explains, there is more than one reason why you might be experiencing headaches after sex. These often include migraines, stress exposure, or due to a rapid increase in blood flow, a result of your orgasm building up.

What to do about it?

If your headache happens during sex, you can slow down the pace and let the woman take charge. In case it happens after, you can practice some breathing techniques or yoga to reduce the impact.

Asthma Episodes!

Those who are suffering asthma issues may face a semi-episode right after having sex. However, the same flare-ups can happen when you exercise and are followed up with chest tightness, breathing issues, coughing, or wheezing.

How to avoid asthma-provoked episodes?

If you have asthma, the best way to manage them is to take necessary medication before having sex. Another way to prevent a flare-up is to reduce your anxiety levels and engage in not-as-demanding sex positions.

Sex Health Alert: After-Sex Blues or Mood Swings!

Feeling the blues right after sex and cannot explain why they happen? No worries, you are not alone. As it turns out, feeling suddenly sad after sex happens more often than we think. According to studies, one of the reasons this can happen is that the sex was somewhat disappointing. Also, the after-sex slow-down reduces the levels of dopamine and adrenaline, making you feel a bit under the weather with no good reason.

How to prevent these mood swings?

Luckily, most of these feelings are short-lived and will evaporate on their own. If you feel like doing something extra for yourself, you can practice deep breathing techniques or prepare a list of your favorite music to go with your relaxing bubble bath.  


UTIs can happen during sex, whether you know about it or not. Usually, they happen when you have more frequent intercourse, and can cause irritation of the vagina, penis, and urinary tract.

How to avoid UTIs?

Aside from getting checked at the doctor, one of the best ways to prevent exposure to UTIs is to pee right after intercourse (and flush, too!).


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